Gosposvetska 30, Zagreb 10000
E-mail: info@dundo-interijeri.hr
- Tel: 01/ 38 78 957
- Mob: 091/ 51 55 515
About us
Dundo interijeri d.o.o. was created in 1988 as a sister company to Horton interijeri crafts workshop in Zagreb, Gosposvetska 30, which was run by Mr. Zdravko Horvat.
After the death of Mr. Zdravko Horvat, the entire business with the same employees and at the same address, Gosposvetska 30, Zagreb, was taken over by his son Dubravko Horvat under the name Dundo interijeri d.o.o.
Dundo interijeri d.o.o. are engaged in the production, measurement and installation of aluminum blinds, strip, roll, panel and package curtains, external blinds, brisolei, mosquito nets, roller blinds, awnings, balcony shades, canopies and installation of suspended ceilings, partition walls and wall coverings.
Service and warranty are provided.
We work throughout Croatia.
OIB: 58895259138
Sitšte: Gosposvetska 30, Zagreb 10,000
Court: Commercial Court in Zagreb
MBS 080348434
Account: Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d.
Petrinjska 59, Zagreb 10,000
IBAN: HR4624840081100733696
capital: HRK 23,100.00 paid in full
Founder: Dubravko Horvat
Director: Dubravko Horvat