Gosposvetska 30, Zagreb 10000
E-mail: info@dundo-interijeri.hr
- Tel: 01/ 38 78 957
- Mob: 091/ 51 55 515
Curtain package
Price on request<p>Package of curtains are also knownš and under the name of Roman curtains because for the first time they are found evenš from the time of the Romans. </p> <p>Lifting the curtain package gives the impression of horizontal pleats.</p> <p>Lifting is done up and down to the desired height using the chain on the side by folding the canvas. The canvas can be with slats or without slats.</p> <p>Package curtains are made from different decor fabrics. They are easy to maintain and easy to install.</p> <p>Although they are very simple in form, they require precise and high-quality manufacturing that follows geometric lines.</p> <p>We go out for measurement and installation.</p> <p>Warranty and service provided.</p>