Gosposvetska 30, Zagreb 10000
E-mail: info@dundo-interijeri.hr
- Tel: 01/ 38 78 957
- Mob: 091/ 51 55 515
With our products, internal and external blinds and the installation of suspended ceilings and partition walls, we have equipped a large number of business and residential buildings, banks, shopping centers, catering facilities, hospitals, polyclinics, dental practices, lawyers' and notaries' offices. offices, embassies, schools, kindergartens.
We will list some of them:
- Raiffeisenbank - all branches in Croatia
- Privredna banka Zagreb
- Erste&Steiermarkische Bank Zagreb
- Hypo Alpe Adria Bank Zagreb
- Podravska banka
- Splitska banka
- Embassy of ŠSpain
- Embassy of Israel
- Embassy of the Slovak Republic
- Embassy of SR Brazil
- Embassy of FR Germany
- KBC Rib
- KBC Štools
- KBC Sisters of Mercy
- Klaićeva Children's Hospital
- Polyclinic Nemetova
- Polyclinic Veir - Center for Aesthetics
- Polyclinic Ribnjak
- Private dental practices
- Shopping centers and numerous smaller shops
- City Center One Zagreb
- King cross Jankomir
- Important Zagreb
- Captol Center Nova Ves Zagreb
- Metro Jankomir, Sesvete, Zagreb
- Catering facilities, numerous hotels, cafes, restaurants, pizzerias, pastry shops
- Hotel Dora Zagreb
- Hotel Jadran Njivice
- Hotel Porin Zagreb
- Hotel Mursa Osijek
- Bakery Croatia Zagreb
- Veterinary Faculty Zagreb
- Faculty of Architecture Zagreb
- Kinesiological Faculty Zagreb
- Faculty of Civil Engineering Zagreb
- OŠ Oton Iveković
- OŠ Šestine
- OŠ Youth
- DV Carousel
- DV Bambi
- Sova Foreign languages Warsaw Zagreb
- and numerous other šschools and kindergartens
- B Net Croatia
- Nova TV Zagreb
- Lado ensemble of Croatian folk dances and songs
- T COM Zagreb
- Journal
- 24 hours
- Evening paper
- Croatian roads
- Pharmacy Zagreb
- Tehnika Zagreb
- HG Spot
- BP Europamill
- BP Tifon
- Grawe Insurance
- Zagreb insurance
- Plitvice Lakes National Park
- Končar D&ST Zagreb
- Toyota Center
- Archdiocese of Zagreb
- Bruketa and Žinić
- Argentum
- Porche leasing Zagreb
- Hidroelektra niskogradnja Zagreb
- Medicor
- Filip trade
- Zagreb Rugby Union
- Ghetaldus Zagreb
- Student Center
and numerous others...